Linux, Programming and Fun stuff all mixed together.

Archive for the ‘Programming’ Category

Learn Programming

You want to learn programming.
It is a LOT of fun.

Just one quick introduction to programming:

  • C: Most Operating Systems are coded in C, as well as the kernel of Linux.
    Suitable for Beginners? 5/10
  • C++: Basically the next iteration of C, better for Object Oriented Programming (if you don’t know what that is, look here: OOP)
    Suitable for Beginners? 6-7/10
  • Java: Used on many portable devices but also on the desktop, only OOP is possible.
    Suitable for Beginners? 4/10
  • Python: Used as scripting and general purpose language for all kinds of software and is used in for example the development of Google, Youtube, Linux.
    Suitable for Beginners? 10/10
  • Perl and Ruby: Scripting languages.
    Suitable for Beginners? 8/10
  • Javascript: Language for making interactive websites, also usable for other stuff.
    Suitable for Beginners? 8/10
  • Of course there are much more out there, but those ones are the ones most widely used.

So what is the language you should start learning? Absolutely Python. It is easy to learn, fun and supported by all major platforms.

To start learning, I would recommend a book like “Python programming for beginners”, but anything else is fine really, as long as you always practice the programming concepts you learn before moving on. Video tutorials on sites like Youtube are also quite good for the beginning. Of course a personal teacher would be so much better (if you have one who is willing to teach you programming), but unfortunately little of us do have that opportunity.

Another language with good tutorial material is Javascript. There is an interactive site called Code Academy which teaches you Javascript in a fun and interesting way, I loved it.

One last thing: Always remember, that no matter what language you choose, after learning that one the others will come along much easier.

Good Luck!